City Principles
This page details the work being done to refresh the previous set of ‘City Principles’ as managed by the City Digital Partnerships Team. This refresh aims to:
Clarify commitment to City Partnership working.
Introduce additional principles from the updated Government Digital Service Standard, TOGAF, Agile methodologies and other sources.
Support decision-making for digital commissioning, guide projects and underpin business cases.
Address overlap between traditional architecture perspectives (business / application / technology).
City First
Deliver digital transformation that reflects shared aspirations and goals for the city.
Apply human-centred design
Ensure that the design of digital solutions takes into account everybody they impact on.
Information as an asset
Maximise the benefits of information and consider it separately from the technology through which it flows.
Work openly
Adopt approaches that promote integration and reuse by partner organisations (in the city and beyond).
Deliver, iterate and improve
Deliver benefits early, incrementally and engage with users to discover opportunities for improvement.
Use and develop technology appropriately
Choose tools and technology to deliver benefits in a cost-effective way.