City First

City First

Deliver digital transformation that reflects shared aspirations and goals for the city


In accordance with commitments within the Leeds Health & Wellbeing Strategy and Leeds Plan, these principles are based on applying decision making at the City level.

This approach recognises strategies partner organisations but acknowledges that there are wider health and care benefits that can be delivered by wider collaboration.

Digital transformation is a challenge to be met by the whole of the 'City Enterprise' and not just left to IT functions within partner organisations.

Example Tactics

  • Decisions about digital initiatives should align to city benefits and promote integrated care systems.

  • Organisations should work together and follow these guiding principles to improve health and care for the populations they serve.

  • Discover and develop people across the workforce who are engaged and committed to city objectives. They can help to discover innovative ways for solving problems as well as challenging existing approaches to technology.

  • Recognise the importance of engaging with architecture functions in partner organisations.