Commissioning 'Triage' Checklist

Commissioning 'Triage' Checklist

I am commissioning something therefore I need input to inform the digital offer… 

  • Has the problem definition been defined/refined/agreed?

    • Are use case definitions clear?
      If not - what discovery work is required to clarify them?

    • How will this clarification be resourced?

  • Have outcomes been defined?

    • Do these outcomes align to objectives in HWBS and Leeds Plan activity?

    • Are additional benefits realised beyond the implementation? (E.g. beyond the organisations involved)
      If not, should this solution be pursued at all?

  • How are stakeholders engaged?

  • Is the solution transformational for the wider system? (E.g. Personalisation, AI/ML, real-world insights (and linked data beyond health), network effect of connecting people (e.g. reducing isolation for people with rare conditions).

  • How does is the solution fit with existing capabilities?

    • System interoperability?

    • System integration (and associated middleware implications)?

    • Does it align to existing hosting capabilities (i.e. do we have somewhere to put it?)

    • Does it provide/present open APIs?

    • IG…?

  • How does the solution proposed align to or fit with:

    • Existing business processes?

    • Changes to process?

    • National initiatives?

    • Dependencies - e.g. HSCN, NHS Mail

  • Does the solution align with our City Principles / technical best practice standards?
    Are approved technologies being used? (need to identify)
    Are any app solutions approved by Orcha, Our Mobile Health or others?
    Are there skillsets to support?

  • If the proposed / indicated solution is regarded as a ‘tactical’ one…
    Is it tactical because a strategic (optimal) solution has been identified but it isn't yet available?
    Can we influence/expedite development of the strategic decision?
    How would this affect solution timescales?
    Is it a legacy technology?
    Have you considered implications for workforce skillsets (e.g. does it utilise a technology that is expensive to support with technical staff?)
    Are the implications and extent of technical debt that will be created understood by the wider system?
    If tactical implementation is agreed:
    How do we migrate to strategic solution when it is available?
    What is the intended lifetime of the tactical solution?  Can we be sure it will be migrated?