Services are represented in the LOOP repository by the following data fields:
id |
organisation_id |
has_logo |
name |
slug |
type |
status |
intro |
description |
wait_time |
is_free |
fees_text |
fees_url |
testimonial |
video_embed |
url |
contact_name |
contact_phone |
contact_email |
show_referral_disclaimer |
referral_method |
referral_button_text |
referral_email |
referral_url |
criteria__age_group |
criteria__disability |
criteria__employment |
criteria__gender |
criteria__housing |
criteria__income |
criteria__language |
criteria__other |
useful_infos__title |
useful_infos__description |
useful_infos__order |
offerings__offering |
offerings__order |
social_medias__type |
social_medias__url |
gallery_items__file_id |
gallery_items__url |
gallery_items__created_at |
gallery_items__updated_at |
category_taxonomies__id |
category_taxonomies__parent_id |
category_taxonomies__name |
category_taxonomies__created_at |
category_taxonomies__updated_at |
ends_at |
last_modified_at |
created_at |
updated_at |